Museum for Art and Cultural History, Gottorf Castle
Changing perspectives
The special exhibition “Colour Rush” is dedicated to the Berlin painter Christopher Lehmpfuhl in the Museum of Art and Cultural History, Gottdorf Castle in Schleswig. 140 works of the painter are shown. Two of them are now also accessible to blind and visually impaired people.
Christopher Lehmpfuhl himself describes his art as “haptic”. His impressive oil paintings live from the distinctive structures of color that the artist applies to the canvas with his hands. From close up, the viewer marvels at a rush of color made up of different layers and textures; from a distance, the motifs become more visible.
But how does the phenomenon of perspective is explained to a person who cannot see? What does color feels like that wrinkles?
For the inclusive approach, a large-scale oil painting of a mountain panorama, titled “Glockner-Duett” and a small-scale oil painting titled “Gläserstillleben” were selected.
In a tactile painting of the mountain panorama, reliefs at different heights recreate the proportions of the original. The fingers glide over color hills and valleys of acrylic and feel different structures.
The still life of glasses and bottle was recreated in three different tactile variations. A replica of the painting’s scenery with the artist’s original glasses can be grasped. A perspective-distorted representation that makes the phenomenon of perspective vivid and a classical tactile painting allow the work to be received on different levels.
The tactile models are placed opposite to their original oil painting and are a special haptic experience not only for blind and visually challenged people, but also for all visitors.
“I am very pleased that this exhibition has also been made accessible to blind visitors and that they can also gain access to my painting in this way,” says the artist in an e-guide to the show. “It is something very special and new for me.”
Tactile painting Gläserstillleben
Tactile painting Glockner-Duett
Inclusion in detail
Project details
- Client: Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf
- Project period: 2020 – 2021
- Project partners: Andersicht e.V., Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Schleswig-Holstein e.V.