Dinner is Served!
Design is like food: You eat with your eyes and if it is arranged nicely the taste will be twice as good. inkl.Design set an opulent table for the customers of Menüpartner with an appetizing design.
Menüpartner offers meals for kindergartens and schools in all of Germany. With its constant striving for excellence at a reasonable price this company speaks the same language as us. You can now also tell by their presence that Menüpartner is honestly interested in their little customers: We developed a whole design system for Menüpartner, with a sustainable modular design: colour schemes, fonts, pictogram systems, a fresh imagery and many analogue and digital publications were created by the hand of inkl.Design.
No more misunderstandings – our pictogram systems explain the ingredients of meals, like fish, pork, beef and sub-components like dessert or salad. Each menu line has its own pictogram. Breakfast, lunch and snacks, meal for daycare center kids or school kids; from now on every little gourmand can tell what will end up on their plate immediately.
Since Menüpartner is running canteens all over Germany the requirements can be totally different in various locations. Our solutions for a fresh labelling around food had to consider all possible options.
Flexible and expandable, design for all possibilities: from the appealing menu in different styles to clear labelling and numeration at the counter. The respective canteen can choose the needed labelling. It’s always a perfect fit.
From the trolley to the dish return, trash can and comment box, to lunch bags, napkins, tray mats and lanyards, inkl. gave Menüpartner a new face.
Menüpartner can now offer a visual feast digitally as well. We held photoshoots, wrote texts and spiced up existing content for three completely new designed websites for „Essen in Kitas“ and „Essen in Schulen“ as well as the Menüpartner corporation.
And now everybody: Rub-a-dub-dub. Enjoy your grab!
Graphic Concept
Design for Canteens
Visual Language
Digital Presence
Project Details
- Client: Menüpartner GmbH
- Project Period: seit 2009